IMARA - 2012

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives


  • Title: LINK&GO

  • Duration: 12 months

  • Coordinator: AKKA Group

  • Others partners: AKKA Technologies, Inria, ControlSys Engineering, DBT

  • See also: http://automobile.yvelines.fr/fr/lappel-a-projets-2011/laureats-du-2nd-appel-a-projets/linkandgo-le-vehicule-autonome-dakka-technologies/

  • Abstract: LINK&GO in a regional project financed by the CG78 (Yvelines Region). Link & Go is presented as the solution for next-generation mobility. It is the first dual-mode electric vehicle: the driver can choose between manual and automatic modes. The vehicle will move independently from the specific infrastructure such as car parks or roads. Safe and secure, Link & Go vehicle is intelligent establishing contact with the users through their personal devices and with the infrastructure via touch screen controls, voice and gestures. In addition, the system Sarveca allow the vehicle to automatically connect to the charging station can intelligently optimize the grid and facilitate the identification, payment, maintenance, etc..


  • Title: TRANSY'VES

  • Duration: 12 months

  • Coordinator: ADM Concept

  • Others partners: Inria

  • See also: http://automobile.yvelines.fr/fr/lappel-a-projets-2011/laureats-du-2nd-appel-a-projets/transyves-la-borne-automatique-dadm-concept/

  • Abstract: The proposed project, called Transy'Ves, is based on two technological components. The first brick aims to optimize routes with electric vehicles, developing an indispensable tool for the appropriation of its use: the EVCO (Electric Vehicle Cruise Optimizer). This is a system for real-time assistance and course management for users of electric vehicles. The second brick aims to facilitate intermodal transport by developing a fully automatic guidance system in order to democratize the parking valet system in new generation parking lots.